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Senior Citizens

Senior Members’ Fellowship

The Senior Members’ Fellowship was formed in November 2013, following the recommendation of HG Dr Mathews Mar Thimothios, who was the Diocesan Metropolitan of UK at the time.



No strict rules, all Orthodox members around 60 years of age and above are welcome. Currently there are about 100 Orthodox Senior Members in the UK. Communication between the members is mainly through the What’s App group.


Meetings are held once a year at St Gregorios’ Indian Orthodox Cathedral at Brockley, London, where members come together for a day to renew fellowship and friendship. Youth members are also invited for an interactive session. Topics of discussion are based on promoting physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing among the Senior Members. Time is set apart to remember and honour the Departed members, who toiled for the formation and growth of the IOC in London since the 1970s.

Since the Covid pandemic in 2020, zoom meetings are also held occasionally, especially around the Feast of St Gregorios of Parumala.

We are grateful to all vicars of London parishes for their efficient leadership in organising the physical and zoom meetings over the years.


We thank the Lord for His blessings and guidance so far. It is hoped that in the future, our Diocese, under the guidance of our Metropolitan HG Abraham Mar Stephanos,may be able to establish a Communal Centre, as a haven for the Senior Members to meet and worship together.

St. Gregorios IOC London
Senior Members’ Fellowship

Dr. Rebecca Alexander

Senior Citizens’ Representative